
"Shikisai Festival with full of flowers and fireworks"

The 33rd "Shikisai Festival with full of flowers and fireworks" was held in Kamifurano Hinode park, a huge park with an event space beside flower fields on 24th July 2011. This place changes into a ski slope with a lift in winter.
And there is a campsite behind the hill of flower fields.


Lots of local people enjoyed some stages of taiko drumming, idle show, character show and so on.

Hula and Tahitian show by a local amateur group.


Kamifurano lies at the foot of volcanic mt.Tokachi-dake. The last eruption occurred in 1988 that brought some small pyroclastic flows. Some facilities like dams have been built to protect flows and people always prepare for eruptions.

Before the grand finale of the festival, people prayed silently for the safety in a year that lies ahead.

Illuminated 14 floats paraded in the event place this year.

And then 2,000 fireworks lighted up the sky!!!

Photos courtesy by Kamifurano Tokachi-dake Tourism Association